Voice Search Optimization: Preparing Your Content for the Future

Voice Search Optimization: Preparing Your Content for the Future

Hey there, forward-thinking marketers and content creators! Ready to dive into the world of voice search optimization? Grab your smart speaker (or just your smartphone) and get comfortable, because we’re about to explore how you can prepare your content for the voice-activated future that’s already here.

Before we jump in, let me share a quick story. Last year, Slinky Digital Agency worked on SEO for a local pizzeria – let’s call it Slice of Heaven. The owner, Tony, was skeptical about voice search. “People order pizza with their fingers, not their voice,” he’d say with a chuckle. Fast forward six months, and 30% of their online orders were coming through voice-activated devices. How’d we do it? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to explore today.

Understanding Voice Search: The Basics

First things first, let’s break down what voice search actually is. In simple terms, voice search is a technology that allows users to perform searches on the internet or a device by speaking into a microphone, rather than typing their query. This could be through a smartphone, smart speaker, or any other voice-activated device.

For Slice of Heaven, we realized that people were increasingly using voice commands to find local restaurants and place orders. This insight formed the foundation of our voice search optimization strategy.

Why Voice Search Matters for Your Business

You might be wondering, “Why should I care about voice search?” Well, let me give you a few compelling reasons:

  1. Changing User Behavior: More and more people are using voice assistants for everyday tasks.
  2. Local Search Dominance: Voice searches are often local in nature, which is great for local businesses.
  3. Featured Snippets: Voice search results often pull from featured snippets, giving you a chance to leapfrog competitors.
  4. Natural Language Processing: Voice search is making search more conversational and natural.
  5. Mobile-First Indexing: Voice search aligns perfectly with Google’s mobile-first approach.

According to Google, 27% of the global online population is using voice search on mobile. That’s a huge audience you could be tapping into!

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7 Marketing Tactics That Can Help Family Lawyers Boost Client Acquisition

7 Marketing Tactics That Can Help Family Lawyers Boost Client Acquisition

Unless family lawyers are seeing new clients request their services regularly, that practice is in danger of becoming unviable. Given the nature of family law, and that some aspects of it such as divorce and adoption, whilst prolonged procedurally, are ultimately a “one-time” event, the danger is that, as existing client cases are completed, there are no new clients to take their place.

Family lawyer practices that are aware of this issue have several options to try and attract new business, and one which has proven to be more effective than most is digital marketing. With the internet playing an ever-increasing role in everyone’s life, it is online where most people who might be seeking the services of a family lawyer will start their research.

Those family lawyer businesses which have taken the wise step to create a digital marketing campaign or have had one created for them, are the ones whom those searching online for the sorts of services they offer, will find. Those family law businesses which have done nothing will continue to see their client numbers, and thus their revenue, diminish.

Several online marketing tactics can be used to attract new clients, and by reading further you will see that we have outlined seven that have proven to be the most effective for family lawyers seeking to use the internet to boost their client numbers.

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Top 7 Must-Have Digital Marketing Tools For Businesses

Top 7 Must-Have Digital Marketing Tools For Businesses

The internet has had a significant impact on how businesses operate even greater than the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries and it means that if a business wants to succeed today, then it must have a website or at least some form of online presence that allows them to market themselves.

Just as tasks in the offline world are made easier with the use of tools, the same applies online. There is a multitude of software and tools available to business owners and such is their quantity and diversity that it would take 1,000s of articles to explain each one of them, which we are not going to do here.

However, what we can do is point out 7 key areas of digital marketing that play a key role in a business’s online success, and highlight one of the top tools or software that assist in its implementation.

Social Media Management – Sprout Social

With the influence, social media has on so many people’s thoughts and decisions it is imperative that businesses have a presence on at least one social media platform where they know their audience is. To help manage their social media activities Sprout Social proves an array of tools allowing for post scheduling, responding to messages and analytics.

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Social search from Google – what does it mean for search results

Social search from Google - what does it mean for search results

Google has recently announced a new social search feature which is launching on google.com initially, which allows for users to use a ‘+1’ button to show whether a search result or ad in Google was helpful. These search results will appear in your search results page with the ‘+1’s visible, clearly indicating to others that these are the most effective (or most liked) results and ads.

Linking these ‘+1’s to your network such as your Gmail contacts, will allow you to see whether anyone you know in your network has found the search result or ad useful. This might lead to improved quality of traffic to sites, and provide more insight into the effectiveness of adword campaigns on Google.

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5 Principles of Social Media Copywriting

5 Principles of Social Media Copywriting

Anytime a new medium comes along, we bring along the baggage of an old medium. Case in point, social media. When I peruse the Facebook pages of the world largest brands, I’m struck by how inappropriate the copywriting usually is. In many cases, it seems as if someone in the PR department received the unfortunate assignment of running the company Facebook.

More than any other channel, social media deserves its own unique set of copywriting principles. Below are what I consider to be the 5 most important guidelines when writing copy for social media. Most of these recommendations are geared towards Facebook, but they can be applied to other platforms as well.

1. Keep it Short & Shareable
Short copy always wins. Bite size content is significantly more likely to be consumed or shared, regardless of the platform. Here’s my strategy: First, write your status update using as few words as possible, but without losing its impact. When you’re finished, review the copy and eliminate another 20%. If you’re like me, you’ll find that you regularly use unnecessary filler words that can be easily eliminated. Better yet, get used to writing within Twitter’s 140 character limit, regardless of whether you’re using Twitter.

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3 Timeless Social Media Tips

3 Timeless Social Media Tips

There’s a part of me that hates change. I despise the fact that much of what I learned 3 years ago about social media is now irrelevant. Are there any principles from today that will still stand years from now, regardless of what the new hot network is? I’d like to suggest at least three.

1. Focus on the Feed, Not the Profile
This is a classic mistake I’ve witnessed on countless platforms. The brands that spend the most time pimping out their profile pages, whether on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, tend to have the worst engagement of all. I’m going out on a limb to predict that the new Facebook timeline and upcoming Twitter brand pages will not change this. Yes, milestones, and pinned posts, and cover photos are cool for branding, but if your content sucks, no one will ever see them. People will still primarily interact with your business through the newsfeed.

Your content is what makes fans care, not a pretty profile page. Content isn’t just king, he’s a ruthless dictator that jealously demands your allegiance.

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25 Killer eCommerce Link Building Tips

25 Killer eCommerce Link Building Tips

Of all websites, e-commerce stores have arguably the hardest time attracting links. The typical etailer’s site lacks substantitive content, and as a result draws few natural links. To make things worse, link requests are often ignored due to the purely commercial nature of an e-store. Link building for e-commerce takes extra patience and creativity. Below are 25 tips I’ve found helpful while building links for online retailers.

7 Tactics for Creating Link-Worthy Content
The reason etailers have such a hard time attracting links is that they make so little effort to create content worthy of them. If you have a blog, you understand this well. Your blog naturally receives links in response to posting valuable content. Bloggers rarely go around begging for webmasters to link to them. Links just come naturally. With this in mind, let me throw out some ideas for creating trully link-worthy ecommerce content.

#1 – Create a Coupon Code Page: This tip can be gold. People naturally share and link to deals, especially when they think they’ve found something exclusive. Consider creating a page that features all your current coupons and deals. (another benefit of this strategy is that customers will find this page higher on the search results when they search for [your brand]+coupon instead of unapproved coupons on deal-type sites.)

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10 Tips for Mastering Google Remarketing Ads

10 Tips for Mastering Google Remarketing Ads

Remarketing is a popular topic in the web marketing world lately. And it’s no wonder why. Who better to show ads to than your previous site visitors? Personally, I’ve found the ROI on remarketing ads to be incredible, second only to email marketing. If you haven’t yet tried it, what are you waiting for?

For those unfamiliar with Google remarketing, here’s how it works. A visitor lands on your website. Google’s ad network writes a cookie in that person’s browser, identifying them as having previously visited your website. When this same person is visiting another website in the ubiquitous Google display network, your ad appears, “remarketing” them back to your site. The power of this concept is self evident. It’s far more effective to show ads to people who’ve previously shown interest in your products, versus the person whose never heard of you.

With that background in mind, let’s look at some tips for mastering this powerful tool.

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4 Shocking Truths about your eCommerce Site

4 Shocking Truths about your eCommerce Site

#1 – Barely anyone sees your homepage
Far too many online businesses worship at the alter of the homepage. While certainly important, homepages today carry far less importance than in years past. When I review the analytics on most of the sites I work with, the vast majority of visitors never see the homepage. (When you have a moment, take a look at not only how many of your visitors never see the homepage, but also what percentage of overall pageviews your homepage represents, you’ll probably be shocked at how low it is.) This is due to a myriad of reasons, one of which is that people simply search for specific content, and Google does a pretty decent job of landing you on the specific page you’re looking for. There’s just no reason to pass through an overly generic destination like a homepage.

I believe one of the biggest sins in web design is promoting mission-critical products and promotions only on the homepage. I typically see sites where an email signup or free shipping promotion is highlighted only on the homepage. This is a tragedy, because there’s very little leverage in the homepage, compared with other, more frequently viewed pages. The time you spend redesigning and testing is much better spent on your product, category, or shopping cart pages.

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6 Secrets to Fantastic Facebook Ad Campaigns

6 Secrets to Fantastic Facebook Ad Campaigns

“Facebook ads don’t work!”

I’ve heard this over and over. And to be honest, this was my experience up to a few months ago. But then I really got serious about Facebook ads. Keep reading and I’ll share some of the secrets that have helped me obtain up to 600% ROI on some of my campaigns.

#1 – Ignore everything you know about Adwords:

For those of us who come from a search marketing background, ignore everything you know about traditional pay per click. With Adwords, it’s not uncommon to create an ad and leave it on autopilot for years, all while returning excellent results. Not so with Facebook. Once your target demographic has seen your ad over and over, the click through rate will fall, and your cost per click will rise, therefore destroying your ROI. To be successful with Facebook ads, be prepared for a successful ad to have a lifecycle of as little as one week. Then move on to the next big idea.

#2 – Stand out or Stand Down

It’s extremely critical that your ad image be striking. I’ve spoken with many companies whose first Facebook ad consist of nothing but their brand logo. For most business, this is a horrible strategy. In fact, my most successful ads completely ignore the company that’s advertising and instead focus intently on one particlar product that people are passionate about. Pay close attention to the Facebook ads on your own profile. Which ones grab your attention and why?

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